Monday, November 7, 2011

Multiplication lessons and ideas 4 children in 3rd - 7th

For third through fifth grade, it is kind of the easy kind of math and multiplication. To most elementary kids, 3rd-5th of course , it can be very monotonous. So to solve that problem , have fun choices. Examples: Use coloring ; Use food ; Go outside and practice counting multiples ; Play bingo ;make your own fun worksheets ; etc .First, start with telling your kids what multiples , factors , products and all of the other properties are , so that if they get stuck on a problem with specific words, they will always understand....... And if they can't remember by heart or anything, then just make flash cards with the vocab words that you are studying. Then comes the numbers. Start with telling how to use zeros and ones. once they understand, start with 2. 2 x 3 ,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12............DO NOT USE ZEROS OR ONES!!!!! That would be way too easy!!! Start telling them that instead of 2 then 4 then 6 then 8 , to do whatever the other factor is , twice. That will be easier once your kids have learned other numbers.Like instead of doing 2 9 times, do 9 2 times. Much easier math when you come to me.O.K. Now start doing 3 then 4 then 5 , all the way to 12 . Once they understand , start going higher . Then look online for harder worksheets that you would use for tests. for 6 and 7th , Start out in the 30 ' s maybe 40's.

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